英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:37:54
  • 网络解释

1. 下界:love affair 恋爱 | Lower World 下界 | loyal to 效忠于

2. 地狱:lower the flag 降旗表示投降 | lower world 地狱 | lower 较低的

3. lower world是什么意思

3. 黄泉; 地球; 尘世:lower oneself 屈身坐进 | lower world 黄泉; 地球; 尘世 | lowercase 小写字体的 (形)

Companies around the world have cashed in on lower interest rates to refinance their way out of trouble.(全世界的公司用低利率以现金再融资,使公司走出困境。)
This despite a 'strong and persistent' La Nina weather system in the Pacific - an effect which should lead to lower temperatures across the world.(尽管太平洋发生的“猛烈、持续性”的拉尼娜气候现象使世界范围内出现降温,但还是难撼今年的热度。)
Now, this idealism doesn't refer to us being idealistic in that we try to build a better world, or, on a lower scale, a working long-term love relationship.(此唯心主义并非指我们尝试建立一个更美好的世界,或者在更小范围内来说,建立一个长期可行的爱的关系的理想状态。)
Then Sisyphus watches the stone rush down in a few moments toward that lower world whence he will have to push it up again toward the summit.(西西弗斯于是看到巨石在几秒钟内又向着下面的世界滚下,而他则必须把这巨石重新推上山顶。)
So strenuous are their efforts, in fact, that the real-world inflation rate may even be slightly lower than the official one.(事实上,他们费尽心思的努力可能会使真实通胀率比官方公布的数据更低一些。)
On Wednesday, central Banks in nations around the world acted together to lower interest rates.(本周三,全球国家的中英银行一起行动,降低了利率。)
Given the high food prices around the world and the need for poor people to lower their cost of food, it just does not make sense for the Doha negotiations to founder upon this barrier.(鉴于全世界粮食价格偏高且贫困人口要求降低食品成本,如果多哈回合因这一壁垒而失败,就显得毫无疑义了。)
Sugar and alcohol: Old World grapes are less ripe and lower in sugar, because they tend to be grown in cooler-weather regions.(糖和酒精:旧世界的葡萄成熟度较低,含糖量较少,因为它们往往种植于较寒冷地区,而新世界葡萄生长于较温暖地区。)
Even in Brazil, which has not experienced an outbreak of the disease, weakening world demand and lower prices have induced the main suppliers to reduce production by 15% this year.(甚至在没有出现禽流感的巴西,由于世界需求减弱和价格下跌,主要供应商已经把今年的生产减少了15%。)
Rather there seems to be less hype and more reality about BRIC's place in a world in which manufacturers are chasing lower costs of production and distribution and seeking new markets.(相反地,从某种程度上说,在当今这个制造商们追求低成本生产及分销、寻求新市场的世界里,金砖四国的地位似乎少了几分夸大其词,倒多了几分真实了。)
lower world是什么意思 lower world在线翻译 lower world什么意思 lower world的意思 lower world的翻译 lower world的解释 lower world的发音 lower world的同义词